Shirley Van Cleef Sullivan: Poet

Shirley Van Cleef Sullivan has been a trail cook in the Rockies, a student of French clowning, and a classical singer. She has studied the work of Carl Jung for more than 20 years and is a leader with the Guild for Sacred Studies. She was an editor of HeartLodge, and a participant in Braided Lives, a collaboration between painters and poets. Her poems have appeared in The Human Touch, Pilgrimage, Progenitor, Psychological Perspectives, Tiger’s Eye, and Sow’s Ear, among other journals. Find Praise for January, a book of poems, was published by BookBar Press in early 2021.

About Shirley's debut work: Find Praise for January

The stark beauty of the winter tree is a strong metaphor for this collection of contemporary poems that explores the themes of aging, divorce, cancer, and loss with raw honesty; yet also celebrates the elegance and healing we find in the natural world.

Available from BookBar or wherever you buy your books.